Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Never say never...

I can't believe how rusty I am at this. Hopefully, I won't have to start this post again from scratch...
I'm thinking about delving into the online posting business again. Why not? I'm painting, interest is starting to build in the art collecting community, why not go back to some of those tried n true methods of exposure?
While I study up on the nuances of Daily Paintworks and their online art auctions, I'm going to work on my blogger skills, too. Here goes.

"Fighters" - 8x8"oil
otherwise known as "Siamese Fighting Fish Meets Samurai Warrior"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

About Time!

The blog has been languishing while other things like the Barn, Woman's Art Club and winter in general have been on the front burner. I'm now getting ready for a group show that opens March 12 at he Barn. It's called "Essential Oils, and..." It's going to be a very spashy exhibit of work by Tim Folzenlogen, Jessie Boone, Carolyn Muller, Donna Talerico, Ron Johnson...and ME! I noticed that my 2009 inventory of painting accomplishments was a bit short, so I'm taking advantage of the winter weather to get some painting done. I'm leaving the snow plowing to Tim.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Drawing classes again

"Anyone Can Draw" classes at the Barn begin again April 15, 6:30 to 9:00 pm. This seven week class is great for beginner or intermediate skills. We cover everything from value to perspective to composition and more. Class fee is $130. For more information, just email me: janwrites@fuse.net

Monday, January 26, 2009

Final Friday at the Pendleton

Stop in at Final Friday 6 - 10 p.m. in the Pendleton Art Center, 1310 Pendleton Street, Over the Rhine. I'll have about 35 pieces of work in the Woman's Art Club studio on the first floor. Just walk past the elevators and keep on going.
It's very warm down there by the boiler room. Think of tropical breezes and pop open a cold brew while you enjoy the art. Hope you can make it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Finally back to the easel! Life has been a bit overwhelming this fall. If it hadn't been for Margaret reminding me I had a deadline for this piece, it would still be a blank canvas. This is 24 x 30" and a bit bigger than my usual work. The scene is a statue of Cincinnatus at T. Berry International Park. If you aren't familiar, it's at the Ohio end of the Purple People Bridge.
While I'm working on this piece, I'll be preparing mentally to begin a few 8 x 10's for the holidays. I hope y'all don't mind a little wet paint under the Christmas tree this year...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Starbucks and the Free Store

Fountain Square is one of my favorite scenes downtown. When I was invited to bring my work to Starbucks in Blue Ash and paint on the scene, I decided to take the image with me. It was kind of like bringing along an old friend. The challenge this time was to fit all this activity into an 8 x 10" surface.
I got most of it done while shivering in the outdoor cafe, then finished it up last night in my studio. For those who saw me painting last Friday and were interested - here it is! Send me an email if you'd like to purchase. janwrites@fuse.net
And Linda, thanks for all the hot coffee.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The show opens Friday, September 5, 5 - 9:00 pm and Saturday, September 6, 10-4:00. Hope you can join us for sips 'n nibbles!

The show continues Weekends and Wednesdays through the 24th.

As you can see, there are paintings by Jan and Jessie Boone and sculpture by Tim Boone.

6980 Cambridge Ave., Mariemont, OH 45227

For information or appointment, call 513-791-7044
Stay tuned for pictures from the opening!